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Circus educational offers of the Circus Giovanni

Since 1994, the Circus Giovanni of Don Bosco Jugendwerk Bamberg has been successfully using the medium of the circus in (curative) educational work with children and young people. As a founding member of the federal working group for circus pedagogy, the circus Giovanni also sets important impulses nationwide in the development of new circus pedagogical perspectives and approaches.

The focus of the circus work is not artistic training and performance, but rather the circus educational support of children, young people and adults. The special perspective is aimed at young people with disadvantages in certain areas of life.

2Master komplett2Master stehtAkro 3. Kl. TrimbergschuleAnker auslegenAnker drehenAnker drehen 2Anker grundierenAnker verteilenAufbauarbeitenAufwärmen 3. Kl. TrimbergschuleAufzug der MastenChance Jugend am CH AufbauChance Jugend am CH komplettFertigung RondelstangenFertigung Stirnplatten ZelttraverseFertigung StrumstangenFlexarbeitenKragen sägenMasten2MastenzuschnittMasten2Masten schneiden 2Masten2Master schneidenMasten aufzeihenMasten stellenPlanen auslegenRope Skipping 7. Kl. TrimbergschuleTraverse einsetzenZelthaut anknüpfenZelthaut auslegen

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