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SKF – AK Sexual Violence

Prevention of sexualized violence in homes for asylum seekers - a game-pedagogical concept

In cooperation with the working group for the prevention of sexualised violence in Bamberg, the Spielmobil Bamberg would like to carry out a pilot project in the AEO for the prevention of sexualised violence against children.

This pilot project will take place on three afternoons in June/July for three hours each on the premises of the reception facility in Upper Franconia. If possible, the outdoor area will be used, in bad weather the gymnasium on the site will be used. The offer will therefore take place in all weather conditions.

The approach of this pilot project isto develop a good body feeling in the children. Questions such as "How do I feel?", "What's good for me?" or "How close can a stranger come to me?" But also theater pedagogical methods and basic knowledge of self-defence (“No”/“Stop” sayings) should be included in the afternoons. Another particularly important aspect is, that the participants learn, that they have a right to get help and how they can get it.

The first day of the project is primarily intended to build trust. An atmosphere should be created in which the children feel safe and free. The supervisors should be recognized as trusted people and the group must get to know each other better and build trust in one another. This is to be achieved through a wide variety of group and romp games. A final cooking activity together is intended to promote motor and cognitive skills, but also to contribute to group cohesion. The food is eaten TOGETHER at the table and is also a nice end to the day.

The next two days will be under the motto "My body". After some introductory romp games, games are played with a focus on closeness, distance and body awareness, but cooperation games should also be included. The children should learn to trust other people and also come to the realization that sometimes you need other people to achieve a goal. Buttons on the topic "Say no" or "My body belongs to me" are to be created as a handicraft activity. Each button should be designed individually. In this way, the children are not only richer by an experience after three assignments, but also have a concrete memory of this experience and something "to touch" remains in the long term.

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